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how did the practice of buying on margin and speculation cause the stock market to rise? | Yahoo Answers

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How did the practice of buying on margin and spe - OpenStudy

Hoovervilles were shantytowns during President Hoovers term also during The Great Depression, cartons and wood scraps on vacant lots,.

What were characteristics of stock market gambling?

how did buying on margin caused the stock market to rise

What were seen as causes of the Great Depression? What were Hoover's methods for dealing with the depression?

How did Hoover attempt to ease the suffering caused by the stock market crash? How did the government respond to the "farmers' plight?

Why did Hoover oppose direct government relief for individuals? How did buying stocks on margin contribute to the stock market crash? What did the Republican platform favor? What did the Democratic platform favor?

Franklin Roosevelt, change, republicans had encouraged reckless stock market speculation that had brought on the panic of the depression, promised the new deal rapid recovery for business and ag but there was no "blueprint", appealed to the nation's very group, called for appeal of prohibition everyone had a right to comfortable living, distribution of wealth, Roosevelt's speeches were very general.

What three main flaws in the American economy led to the events that began the Great Depression? How did speculation and margin buying affect the stock market? What underlying economic flaws did the Great Crash reveal?

What actions did Hoover take to deal with the economic crisis? Compare and contrast the platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties in The republicans felt they could not reject hoover or his policies. Is it fair to blame Herbert Hoover for the depression?

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