Save the date in your agenda to attend this exciting event. Attention to societal security permits industry, technology developers, policy-makers and end-users to capture and act upon threats that often form on the global level climate change, pandemics, trafficking, migration, trans-national terrorism, etc.

Political measures often do the reverse: Media representations play a crucial role in regulating this dynamic. The complex interplay between threats to European security and the measures put in place to address them, changes with the societal reactions they provoke. Few ideas have the political power as societal security, gathering together the parallel challenges of technological foresight, policy development and societal concerns into a single, interdependent ecosystem:.

These questions and others will form the core of this SOURCE Societal Security Conference. Chaim RafalowskiMagen David Adom. Umut TurksenKingston University, London. Kristoffer LidenPeace Research Institute Oslo PRIO. Borut ErzenProgramme Manager, Border Management and Visa, International Centre for Migration Policy Development ICMPD.

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Niovi VavoulaResearcher, Faculty of Law, Queen Mary University of London QMUL. Es referieren und diskutieren Othmar Karas EU-PolitikerWolfgang Wosolsobe bis In recent years, marketplaces in the darknet emerged where vendors and customers can exchange illicit drugs and other goods on digital platforms by using hidden internet services.

The main thesis of this paper is that in an online environment, different practices for building trust and reputation emerge that stabilise market processes. Qualitative and quantitative data from a recent German project on conventional offline small-scale drug dealing as well as qualitative case studies on four online vendors operating on Agora market are used to explore alternative practices for building trust and reputation.

They also explore the use of violence and logistics established on cryptomarkets in comparison to traditional dealing. To analyse the data we applied qualitative content analyses. For conventional commercial illicit drug dealing on various kinds of markets, trust between buyer and seller is a crucial issue, often emphasized by restricting deals to well-known persons. While this typically includes face-to-face contact, the opposite is true with online drug trading.

It is characteristic of cryptomarkets that the parties involved in a transaction know neither the personal identity nor the physical location of one another. This is realised by using aliases, anonymising software, and cryptocurrencies for payments.

Violence typically only plays a role in traditional drug dealing, but mostly, if at all, just as a latent threat for potential rule-breakers. Processing a transaction anonymously includes escrow services for the buyers, which makes trading more reliable, although they cannot completely prevent scamming. Furthermore, online drug marketplaces usually offer a customer feedback system that allows customers to rate vendors and review products.

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A positive vendor feedback helps building reputation and trust in such an online environment. With regard to logistics, most conventional small-scale dealers restrict their acts of selling to private surroundings to avoid encounters with law enforcement.

On virtual drug markets practices of building trust, conflict resolution and logistics is constantly evolving. They offer improved security solutions on the one hand while on the other hand scamming and fraud seem to be widely used on both online and conventional drug markets. Sie bedienen die Psychologie eines Neidkomplexes nach unten.

In historischer Perspektive zeichnet sich hier eine Konfliktform ab, die in der politischen Kultur nicht vorgesehen ist. Sie haben uns das allgemeine Wahlrecht gebracht. Die neuen Rechtspopulisten scheinen sich zur politischen Formation der Austragung von Anerkennungskonflikten zu entwickeln. Sie bekommen etwas, was vielen hierzulande abgeht: Anerkennung als Menschen, deren Schicksal man ernst nehmen muss. Foucault beschrieb diese Machttechniken der Sicherheit als historische Effekte des wirtschaftlichen Liberalismus, beobachtete sie jedoch auch in staatlichen Reaktionen auf den Terrorismus.

Expertinnen und Experten aus Gesellschaftswissenschaft und Kulturanthropologie, angewandter Sicherheitsforschung und kommunaler Praxis diskutieren zu aktuellen Fragen. ESSRO represents European institutions active in research and active promotion of societal security.

ESSRO members include research institutes from the domain of Social Sciences and Humanities, and civil society organisations dedicated to security research. ESSRO aspires to combine inquiry and advocacy, and become the first European inclusive platform to advance and broaden scholarly and public policy debates on security in continuous dialogue with fundamental rights, civil liberties and ethics.

Those debates will be pursued at various forums, such as academic conferences, public hearings, expert working groups, and parliamentary committees. Currently there is a well-established mismatch between the abundance of security measures and instruments, and the relative lack in knowledge about threats and insecurities.

This has, unfortunately, often resulted in security policies, which are not fit for purpose, or in security policies with more undesirable effects than intended ones. What is more, security cannot and should not be reduced to actionist and symbolic responses to isolated threats, and, similarly, security measures should entail more than high-tech fixes, or additional legislation.

The bulk of funded research oriented to security policy has so far often failed to grasp the dynamics of societal controversies about intertwined issues such as security, freedom of expression, or privacy. The goal of ESSRO is to promote a comprehensive and integrative understanding of security, including social, cultural, technological, legal, political and economic dimensions.

ESSRO works on the premise that security is not a single, static state to be achieved and preservedbut an evolving social and cultural set of values.

The question, how to realize this value necessitates continuous negotiation and consensus building among all affected societal stakeholders.

Central to this understanding of security is the notion, that security is interdependent upon other social conditions and processes, and should foster the European inclusive and democratic culture.

ESSRO embraces a concept of security as a dynamic state of resilience in society, based on global, national and regional social justice, ethical principles, fundamental human rights, and civil liberties.

It aims to bring together an array of approaches and insights from an SSH perspective that critically analyse and reflect on current developments, arrangements and practices in the realm of societal security. ESSRO will engage in developing and implementing more effective, legitimate and accountable policies.

ESSRO is designed as the central European hub of competence dedicated to setting standards for good practices in the field of security research, collecting and integrating ideas and approaches from across Europe and beyond. It provides expert policy advice to interested third parties on all issues related to societal security and it supports the exchange among its members to develop and strengthen the idea of societal security in academic and policy contexts. In all of these activities, ESSRO focuses on close cooperation and networking with partners such as universities and national and European institutions, but also STEM disciplines and existing initiatives and research projects.

ESSRO is a charitable entity registered under Belgian law. Membership is open to research institutes in the fields of SSH and law, and to NGOs dedicated to security research. The governing body of ESSRO is the steering committee.

The members of this committee are elected by the general assembly to be held annually. ESSRO will set up an office in Brussels managed by a secretary general, employed by the organisation.

ESSRO solicits financial contributions from other sources, such as national funding organisations and national ministries. Financial reporting will be part of the annual activity report prepared by the Secretary general. Young people across Europe are not politically disengaged as is commonly assumed, a research study has found. In fact, most of them vote and fully support democracy, even if they think things could be improved and politics should become more about the common good and less about corporate and elite interest.

European youth see voting as the most effective form of political action. They believe that politics ought to be the pursuit of the public or collective good, but they do think that it has strayed from this ideal. Professor Hilary Pilkington from the University of Manchester, UK. The vast majority still supports multi-party democracy with free opposition, they just think it could work better. For example, young people in Denmark and Germany were most strongly pro-democracy while young people in post-socialist countries of Europe — especially Russia, Latvia and Slovakia — were most critical or least supportive of key institutions of liberal democracy.

Cynicism towards politics and politicians was highest in the Mediterranean countries, such as Greece, Spain and Portugal. Despite the cynicism, young people continue to dream of a better collective future. They would like to see more direct forms of democracy, a better economy so people can earn a living, and improved and more honest communication between politicians and people. Perhaps a much bigger threat to democracy comes from ever-growing digital surveillance, which is increasingly permeating all spheres of individual and social life, according to another EU-funded research project IRISS.

He added that this turns citizens into machine-readable, leaking data-containers that can be remote controlled. For example, he said, internet providers tailor the content we see, such as adverts based on our search history, and as such attempt to remote control what, when and how we see things on the internet.

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Technology is not all bad, of course, and it can help make life more convenient. But we end up trading privacy for convenience, giving up personal data to private and public bodies.

Surprisingly, most people are aware of the issue and have developed their own reactions and responses to it. They adapt to this situation and also develop smart reactions, sometimes even exploiting the surveillance technology for their own means, for example, tracking friends, kids, and spouses using social media.

But clearly, for democracy to keep flourishing in Europe politicians and society have some clear tasks ahead of them: Paper by Reinhard Kreissl. The impact of European projects can be assessed when looking at the process of implementation of policies designed to produce a politically defined output.

The security work programme under FP7 provides a good example to analyse the dynamics of such a process. The overall objective of this programme was twofold: The program resided with DG ENTR and spent almost 1.

Taking such a perspective allows for a data rich empirical analysis while at the same time the shortcomings of the policy approach chosen in this field can be demonstrated and critically examined against the background of a theory of democratic governance. By identifying and categorising triggers of cascading effects, a greater understanding of critical points in crisis situations can be reached, which can contribute to strengthening practices of crisis management, including preparedness and response.

Accordingly, this paper provides an insight into triggers of cascading effects, gained through the analysis of six case studies of crises that took place between and The analysis produced six categories of triggers, which are discussed here: Authors argue that the categorisation of triggers aids anticipating cascading effects, along with predicting risks and planning for potential bottlenecks in crisis management.

The ISSDP Conference is a unique occasion to present your latest findings to an intellectually engaged, diverse and dedicated scholarly community, and to immerse yourself in the state of the art across the full spectrum of drug policy research, with the participation of leading international scholars.

Andreas Novy CEO Green Academy and WU Vienna. Haben Sie Angst vor dieser Wiener Polizei! Doch warum werden immer mehr Menschen schikaniert, inwiefern ist das der Struktur der Polizei geschuldet?

Der Skandal, so schreibt Karl Kraus, beginnt immer erst dann, wenn die Polizei ihm ein Ende bereitet. Das Problem ist bekannt. Ist die Polizei brutaler geworden? Ich denke Karl Kraus hatte Recht. Und es gilt auch hier: The FORTRESS consortium are pleased to announce that two new reports are publicly available on its website following the submission of draft copies to the EC:. The survey asks questions like: Do you feel secure in your country?

Do you feel secure or rather insecure when you see a police officer? About the future development of the financial crisis in Europe? What is most important to you: This survey is part of broader activities in the course the SOURCE-project http: Completing the questionnaire should not take more than 10 minutes of your time. The questionnaire is currently available in seven languages English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian. The information you provide as part of this interview will be used as part of the EU FP7 funded research Project SOURCE.

Confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained. If you have any questions about the project SOURCE or our data protection measures, do not hesitate to contact us: Reinhard Kreissl wird im Rahmen der Recht soll soziale Beziehungen regeln, Handlungen anleiten und Erwartungssicherheit schaffen. Es soll Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Wohlstand herstellen. Die empirische Sozialforschung und anthropologische Studien erforschen, was sich die Menschen vom Recht erhoffen.

Die dritte Konferenz der deutschsprachigen rechtssoziologischen Vereinigungen widmet sich den Versprechungen des Rechts. Mehr Informationen zur Konferenz finden Sie hier.

In this report TRI, VICESSE, UCL, RCAB identified cascading effects and their triggers by analysing nine crisis situations which occurred between and It discusses common causes of cascading effects with the aim of providing insight to and a better understanding of the complexity of cascading crisis situations.

Download FORTRESS Deliverable 3. Wright, David, and Reinhard Kreissl eds. Surveillance in EuropeRoutledge This book makes the case for greater resilience in European society in the face of the growing pervasiveness of surveillance.

It examines surveillance in Europe from several different perspectives, including:. Contributors to the book include: The meeting was attended by all partners as well as a representative from the European Commission. The aim of the project is to identify and understand cascading effects of a crisis by using evidence-based information from a range of previous crisis situations.

Cascading effects in crisis situations are frequently caused by the interrelatedness and interdependency of systems and infrastructure; crises not simply affect one system or a part thereof, but cause a chain of effects. These effects spread disruptions in complex ways that makes them difficult to comprehend and deal with. More crucially, how to develop the capabilities and situational awareness needed to guard against these in the future, while ensuring transport efficiency and facilitation?

Officially launched in Brussels on 22 September, CARONTE brings together researchers from universities, national technical institutes and specialised networks — all involved in land transport issues. For additional information, please contact Lars Ostermeier lars. Fraunhofer-Institute for Material Flow and Logistics Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Strasse Dortmund, Germany joachim.

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A new SOURCE report on Methodology workshop and review of available empirical sources is now available! This report has the function to deal with the main question of how to assess societal security by reviewing available empirical knowledge on perceptions of security in society. Download SOURCE Deliverable 3. Crisis situations such as an EU-wide black-out, or cross-border flooding in the Netherlands and Germany, say, can have devastating repercussions.

Those involved in crisis prevention describe the unforeseen chain of events that can occur after such events as cascade effects. Being able to anticipate such cascade effects — and put in place effective emergency measures — can help avoid catastrophe and save lives. This is why the three-year EU-funded FORTRESS Foresight Tools for Responding to cascading effects in a crisis project was launched in April ; in order to identify and better understand their cause.

A European research consortium has prepared a discussion paper on European responses to the revelations that have been emerging from the documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the contractor to the US National Security Agency NSA. The discussion paper reviews the institutional responses to the Snowden revelations, the judicial and legal consequences, the societal, economic, media responses as well as the positive impacts of the revelations. It draws various conclusions related to the failure of oversight, the privacy-security trade-off paradigm, the breakdown of open democracy, resilience in a surveillance society and protecting privacy in a surveillance society.

IRISS is the acronym for Increasing Resilience in a Surveillance Society, which comprises 16 partners from nine EU countries. The project, which began in Februaryanalyses the spread of surveillance systems and technologies in public and private sectors from the perspective of their impact on the fabric of a democratic society. The project aims to explore options for increasing social, economic and institutional resilience and strengthening democratic processes and public discourse about appropriate reactions towards threats against open democratic societies.

The discussion paper identifies several positive impacts of the Snowden revelations. The revelations have placed surveillance high on the political agenda. The issue of accountability is now being discussed.

Until the revelations began, it appeared that there was minimal or no accountability of the NSA and the Government Communications Headquarters GCHQthe UK counterpart to the NSA, to their elected officials. Some of the companies subject to surveillance intrusions have increased their security to make it more difficult for governments to surveil their networks. A Harris poll released 13 November showed that four out of five people have changed the privacy settings of their social media accounts, and most have made changes in the previous six months.

The discussion paper refers to the bane of the privacy-security trade-off paradigm. When politicians such as President Obama say that they welcome a discussion of the trade-offs between security and civil liberties, the public should be on guard. In striking a balance between collective security and individual privacy, the latter almost always loses out. However, the authors note that many experts and academics have discredited the trade-off paradigm. It is possible to have both privacy and security, without reducing one or the other.

This requires the socially responsible management of risks, i. The discussion examines these issues and more and can be found here. The IRISS consortium is led by the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology IRKS, Austria.

The Horizon newsroom has published an article highlighting efforts of the IRISS project in relation to Surveillance and Society: But does it matter? The EU-funded IRISS project is intent on finding out. The team is looking at whether surveillance changes our behaviour, and how it impacts our basic rights.

The conclusions will be presented to policymakers, together with recommendations. Study, led by the University of Sheffield, investigated organisations in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom. An international study that examines the obstacles facing citizens in accessing their personal data will be presented at a conference in Sheffield this week. It finds serial malpractice and obfuscation on the part of public and private sector organisations when citizens seek clarification of what these organisations know about them.

The study forms part of the IRISS Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies project, funded by the European Union. It documents the actual experience citizens have when trying to use the law to access their data.

European and national laws give citizens the right to know how their personal data is used, shared and processed by private and public sector organisations. The study, encompassing citizen interactions with sites, found that what should have been a straightforward process was complex, confusing, frustrating and, in the end, largely unsuccessful. The research sites were chosen based on a consideration of the socio-economic domains in which citizens encounter surveillance on a systematic basis.

These domains were health, transport, employment, education, finance, leisure, communication, consumerism, civic engagement, and security and criminal justice. We are selectively marketed to, our locations are tracked by CCTV and automated licence plate recognition systems and our online behaviour is monitored, analysed, stored and used. The challenge for all of us is that our information is often kept from us, despite the law and despite our best efforts to access it.

Citizens, in their role of data subjects, encounter a wide range of legitimate but not always convincing and straightforward restrictions in their attempts to exercise their rights. These legal restrictions are further undermined by serial obfuscation on the part of data controllers or stock markets open on christmas eve representatives.

The right of access is generally exercised by submitting an access request to a nominated data controller but, before this can begin, the data controller must be located. Where data controllers could be located, the quality of information concerning the process of making an access request varied enormously. In the best cases, information was thorough and followed legislative guidelines closely, providing citizens with an unambiguous pathway to exercise their right of access.

In the worst cases information was very basic, often failing to explain how to make an access request or indeed what an access request actually is.

The most reliable and efficient way of locating data controllers turned out to be on-line. Attempts to locate data controllers using alternative methods generally did not fare well. In the majority of cases, when contacting organisations by telephone, members of staff lacked knowledge concerning subject access requests.

As a result, answers were often incorrect, confusing and contradictory. Only one third By failing to display appropriate signage at CCTV sites, one fifth of organisations effectively employed illegal practices. Thus, researchers merely trying to find the contact details of the data controller were forced to justify why they sought to exercise their democratic rights, and even then they were frequently denied.

When it was possible to locate the data controller, the process of submitting an access request was often problematic with data controllers employing a range of discourses of denial which restrict or completely deny data subjects the ability to exercise their informational rights. Subject access requests were sent from 10 European countries to individual public and private sector organisations sampled from the first part of the empirical phase of the research.

The requests were made for a range of data, including paper, digital and CCTV records. Requests made three demands of data controllers: The research found that obtaining a satisfactory response concerning all aspects of the requests was a relatively rare occurrence.

Even in those cases where successful outcomes were achieved, the process of submitting an access request was often fraught, confusing and time-consuming. Even where data subjects received their personal data, in some instances the disclosure of this data was incomplete and additional data was still outstanding. Westfield anzac day trading hours were noted variations in how different types of organisations responded to requests.

Requests for CCTV footage were particularly problematic, with seven out of ten requests for CCTV footage being met by restrictive practices from data controllers or their representative. Professor Clive Norris said: Organisations must ensure that they axis bank online trading account to the law.

In particular, vbscript inputbox hide cancel button need to make it clear who is responsible for dealing with requests from citizens; they need to train their staff so they are aware of their responsibilities under law; and they need to implement clear and unambiguous procedures to facilitate citizens making access requests.

Finally national data protection authorities must have the legal means and organisational resources to both encourage and police compliance. The following partner institutions took part in the work package: The need for considering societal impacts of EU security research has been acknowledged on many occasions by different actors.

The problem is that in traditional thinking, societal impacts are reduced to side effects of instrumental technological and legal security measures. This binary thinking has to be overcome. Research and teaching at various universities in Germany, Austria, USA and Australia. Since CEO VICESSE. Research focus Sociology of Law, Sociology of Deviance and Social Control, Sociology of Knowledge and Science, Sociological Aspects of Cognitive- and Neuroscience.

MA, European Studies, Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel ; Thesis: LLM, European Law, Utrecht University ; Thesis: Currently, diploma studies in law, JKU Linz joptionpane showmessagedialog no icon learning.

Since Researcher at VICESSE. Senden L, Kica E, Hiemstra M, Klinger K, Mapping Self- and Co-regulation in the EU context. Explorative Study for the European Commission, DG Connect.

Hanak G, Klinger K, Pelikan C, Pilgram A, Zur Verbreitung von Kindesmisshandlung und Kindesmissbrauch und die Inanspruchnahme der Justiz — eine Stock price history tsx und Literaturrecherche.

Fuchs W, Kreissl R, Pilgram A, Stangl S, Biography — now, Comenius University in Bratislava, PhD Programme in Political Theory. SummerSurveillance Studies Summer SeminarQueens University, Kingston, How to choose a timeframe for binary options brokers, Canada. SummerFaculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Summer school — Democracy, Democratization and Civil Society in Comparative Perspective.

Projects — IRISS — Increasing Resilience In Surveillance Societies — Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, external collaborator on norbert r is binary options trading illegal European Parties Heading East research project. Challenges of Transitional Justice in Slovakia. Series HistoricVol. Fonio, Chiara, Martin Kovanic and Reinhard Kreissl Currently MA, Sociology emphasis: Social Studies of ScienceUniversity of Vienna. Research focus Sociology of Law, Security Studies, Sociology of Knowledge, STS.

Biography Lars Ostermeier has studied political science, law and criminology at the Universities of Marburg and Hamburg and earned his doctoral degree in social sciences from the University of Hamburg.

He has worked in police and security research projects at Free University Berlin and at Technical University Berlin, and is a researcher at the Vienna Center for Societal Security since September At VICESSE, he is working in the CARONTE, INSPEC2T and WOC projects on ethical, legal and societal aspects of security research, community policing, and the prevention of corruption.

His research interests are police research, security studies, science and technology studies, and post-colonial theories of international security. Research focus LEA studies, Security Studies, Global and post-colonial theories of international security policy.

Meropi received her Dr. Meropi was a Visiting Fellow at the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences BIGSSSJacobs University Bremen She was a researcher in several social science projects in the area of social science, organized crime and gender relations Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Vienna.

Furthermore, Meropi was a lecturer at the University of Vienna Stockbrokers in hinesville Programme in Political Science.

She was an executive editor for Politix. Journal of the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna. Meropi holds a Mag. Research focus Security Research, Illegal Drug Markets, Informal Economy, Qualitative Social Research, Gender Relations.

European Identity and Migration — On the influence of inter-european migration on the feeling of identity in the EU. Currently MA, Sociology, University of Vienna Emphasis: Social Structure, Social Integration und Social Studies of Science. Research focus Security Studies, Urban Sociology, European Studies. University of Graz, Economic History Currently obtaining his PHD. Since researcher at VICESSE. Research focus EU — Middle Eastern relations, EU Forecasting foreign exchange rates ppt Foreign and Security Policy.

We invite applications from researchers, interested in interdisciplinary work with a background post doc in security studies, law, or science and technology studies.

In the last decade investments in safeguarding the security of European citizens have increased dramatically. Decisions are seemingly immediate responses to specific security issues. They tend to be technology-driven and made behind closed doors. There is an urgent need for a decision support system which directs all processes that lead to decisions on security investment to be transparent and participatory, and that accounts for context and multi-dimensionality of society. Security investment includes a choice between different approaches to increasing security, and DESSI makes this choice transparent by understanding the nature of a threat and describing and evaluating the security investment alongside its alternatives.

The alternatives are identified or developed in a participatory process, including experts and stakeholders. Looking into the social processes underlying surveillance, and the relationship between security and privacy, coles gladesville easter trading hours wider social context is taken into consideration.

Methodological approaches include, but are not limited to, case studies, interviews, questionnaires, action research, focus groups and citizen consultation meetings.

Most security research takes technology as a starting point. Security problems are defined as issues to be solved by more and better technologies. To understand the effects of security technology requires a broad approach, taking into account indirect and distant consequences of local technology solutions. We have developed a methodology to analyse the wider ramifications of security research in the course of European research project ASSERT. FORMS develops a fast, innovative method for semi- automatic search and retrieval of similar tool marks in criminal offenses.

New data and data from unsolved crimes are brought together in a database structure and made available for query. This allows to utilise the hitherto hardly used, but enormous potential of tool marks for the investigation of crimes to be finally realised. Partners Austrian Ministry of the Interior CogVis GmbH Vienna Centre for Societal Security.

The surveillance of facades, roofs and other exterior parts of buildings and historical monuments is an important task in the protection of public and private properties. The target of this project is to increase the protection of the exterior of critical buildings using an intelligent, knowledge-based event detection system with multi-modal sensor and in- formation technology.

By employing knowledge-based technologies, anticipated or ob- served context-related factors such as the weather and events in and around the building are included in order to derive more exness forex wikipedia danger assessment from the data pool using Automated Reasoning and Information Fusion methods. The most important innovations in this project are, on the one hand, sensor technology with the focus on thermal cameras and 3D sensors, and the knowledge-based component on the other hand.

Special attention, in cooperation with the GSK partner, is given to the clear and op- timal presentation of the current situation to the operators and thereby increasing the end user acceptance. Partners Software Competence Center Hagenberg Austrian Ministry of the Interior Austrian Ministry of Defense Vienna Centre for Societal Security.

INSPEC 2 T aims to transform the opportunity of a seamless collaboration between citizens and LEAs inside a community to reality, through means and practices that can advance the meaning of Community Policing.

Community Policing CP is both a philosophy a way of thinking and an organizational strategy a way to carry out the philosophy that allows the police and the community to work together in new ways to solve problems of crime, disorder and safety, crucially contribute on improving the quality of life for everyone in that community.

Implementing CP in a practical local setting is a complex and long-term task as fostering and developing police-community relations requires active engagement from the police organization, individual officers and community representatives.

In order to achieve and boost the aforementioned characteristics, INSPEC 2 T focusses on the key components that Community Policing is comprised of:.

Collaborative partnerships between the law enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve to develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police. The alignment of organizational management, structure, personnel, and information systems to support community partnerships. The process of engaging in the proactive and systematic examination of identified problems to develop and evaluate.

Drug dealing via internet is a trend that has only make money with amazon fba begun to materialise. It occurs anonymously at online marketplaces and creates novel challenges to law enforcement agencies.

The goal of this project proposal is to research innovative solutions for apple computer stock price 1998 identification, prevention and reduction of organized financial crime, such as money laundering, with particular regard for virtual currencies. The project will produce two primary results, based on the most urgent questions posed by the project stakeholders.

The first is a series of earnest money deposit new york that will provide foundations for the economic classification of virtual currencies to politicians, lawyers, and government agencies.

The second is the development of methods and algorithms that a aggregate virtual currency transactions in order to identify specific actors, b monitor these transactions and identify potentially criminal activities in real time, and c correlate these transactions with activities in hidden social networks in order to support the de-anonymization of the actors. Software that demonstrates these methods will be installed, tested and evaluated by project stakeholders. Coordination AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.

Funding The Project is co-funded by the Austrian Security Research Programme KIRASan initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology. CRISP is a three year project that aims to facilitate a harmonised playing field for the European security industry by developing a robust methodology for security product certification. CRISP will enhance existing security evaluation and certification schemes by offering an innovative evaluation methodology that integrates security, trust, efficiency and freedom infringement assessment dimensions.

The proposed scheme will be based on a taxonomy encompassing a variety of security products and services across applications, taking into account the varying roles of a diverse stakeholder community including manufacturers, regulatory and certification bodies, data protection authorities and end users.

The project will engage with each group to gather insights in order to assist with avoiding acceptance problems that challenge current schemes. Funding CRISP is funded by the European Commission, and has seven partners, each from a different country in Europe. This infringement of individual privacy is sometimes seen as an acceptable cost of enhanced security.

Similarly, it is assumed that citizens are willing to trade off their privacy for enhanced personal security in different settings. This common understanding of the security-privacy relationship, both at state and citizen level, has informed policymakers, legislative developments and best practice guidelines concerning security developments across the EU.

The SOURCE Network of Excellence is built upon five types of activities:. FORTRESS will identify american express forex rates india understand cascading effects of crises by using evidence-based information from a range of previous crisis situations, as well as drawing on an in-depth analysis of systems and their mutual interconnectivity and inter- dependency.

The project will seek to intervene in crisis response practices by bridging the gap between the over-reliance on unstructured information collection on one side and a lack of attention to structural communication and management elements of cross-border and cascading crisis situations on the forex average daily range 2016 side.

It will use state-of-the-art information collection and modelling tools to assist stakeholders in evaluating what information is significant, relevant and of greater priority so that they can adjust their actions accordingly. It will do so by using evidence-based information from historical crisis case studies WPs 2 and 3as well as by making a comprehensive analysis of the different relationships between systems WP 4and raghee horner forex review actual practice of crisis management and the communication between different groups involved WP 5.

Information generated through analysing historical case studies and the four scenarios will enable FORTRESS to build a collaborative and accessible modelling platform for cascading and cross-border effects in a range of crisis situations WP 6.

This platform will feed into the development of the FORTRESS Incident Evolution Forex broker zero spread FIET in WP7: The FIET will be user-friendly enough to be employed during a crisis, and can therefore be used as a decision support foresight tool to assist decision-makers in understanding the potential effects of their actions in training environments.

The FIET will be subject to rigorous testing in the field to evaluate its effectiveness, and the project will ensure its user-friendliness by undertaking extensive training with decision-makers to optimise the look and feel of the system WP 8. The problem though is that in traditional thinking, societal impacts are reduced to side effects of instrumental technological and legal security measures.

Starting from a synthesis of state of the art discussions on instaforex mt4 platform download security, we will identify best practice cases exploring and assessing societal impacts of science and technology in the security domain and beyond, and carefully analyse their structural properties. This will be done in a multidisciplinary fashion from different perspectives, including end-users, stakeholders, researchers, policy-makers and NGOs.

Bringing together these different perspectives in a series of workshops will create the basis for the development of a tool and a strategy for the sustainable implementation of societal impacts in future EU research activities in the field of security.

This profile contains information on the issue of criminal infiltration in public procurement in Member States. Austria — Country Report. Security can has become one of the most substantial issues discussed in our societies. This is to a large extent a result of political developments in the past years, such as globalization and the rise of terrorism.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the way security is viewed and conceptualized by lay citizen […]. The purpose of this paper is to examine the way security is viewed and conceptualized by lay citizen and to compare these with the traditional understanding of security in the political and media discourse.

The research is based on the analysis of semi-structured qualitative interviews with the citizens of Slovakia and Austria, which were carried out in the first half of The main finding is that the concept of security — as viewed by the layperson — is rather broad and does not react to the existing physical threats. It is mixture of three streams of conceptualizations and expectations — threat-based, predictability of life paradigm and problem solving.

The main thesis of this paper is that in an online environment, different practices for […]. Surveillance in Europe, Routledge This work package will document the nature of citizen rights with respect to the surveillance data held about them by different public and private bodies by comparing how these differ in at least four different and contrasting Member States with different regulatory regimes.

In order to do so, WP 5 will use action research to […]. In order to do so, WP 5 will use action research to test how easy or difficult it is for citizens to assert their rights in the four countries. This WP will compare and contrast the results from the four case studies to understand the extent to which democratic principles of accountability and transparency are enhanced or diminished when citizens actively try to exercise their rights.

This deliverable presents case studies of three surveillance practices across Europe: ANPR, Credit Scoring and Neighbourhood Watch. These practices were chosen because they represent different institutional surveillant relationships: The report examines how democratic resilience java joptionpane.showinputdialog default value […].

This discussion paper sets out the analytical theoretical framework for the Procedure plan for buyback of shares under companies act 1956 project. The framework is designed to capture existing knowledge about surveillance and democracy and to shape the direction of the empirical research to be conducted in the project. The framework therefore represents the consolidation of existing knowledge and a methodological tool for creating […].

A report presenting a review of the key features raised by legal perspectives of surveillance and democracy. Chapter 2 deals with the relationship between surveillance and democracy; Chapter 3 analyses the European privacy and data protection framework, and Chapter 4 compares European national experiences and approaches in […].

A report presenting a review of the key features raised by the political perspectives of surveillance and democracy. This Task delta relisted on stock market what the literature on surveillance has to say with regard to several closely related issues that are highly relevant to an understanding of social and political effects. In Chapter 1, we start with […]. A report presenting a review of the key features raised by the social perspectives of surveillance and democracy.

The core purpose of this task was to identify the dominant literatures and themes evident in the sociological including criminological thinking about surveillance and democracy. Together with Tasks 2.

A report addressing and analysing the factors underpinning the development and use of surveillance systems and technologies by both public authorities and private actors, and their implications in fighting crime and terrorism, social and economic costs, protection or infringement of civil liberties, fundamental rights and ethical aspects.

This deliverable presents the information material to be used in the citizen summits. Two elements of information material are presented.

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The first, an information magazine, will be used to inform citizens about the context of the study as well as the different Surveillance-Oriented Security Technologies SOSTs which will be examined at the summits, before they […].

This report represents a synthesis, connecting key findings of three individual reports D3. It elaborates on the concept of privacy, illustrating the evolution of the right to privacy. Key concepts of security and threat are […]. Investments in surveillance-based security technology are justified with the need to counter existing or emerging security threats.

From a social science perspective this raises four questions. This deliverable reviews the current state of, and explores challenges and options for, political and legal developments concerning privacy and security in the European Union EU. This deliverable reviews the current state of the art regarding existent and emerging surveillance- oriented security technologies hereafter referred to as SOSTs.

So within the context of surveillance- oriented security solutions hereafter referred to as SOSSsthis deliverable focuses mainly on selected technological solutions which are proposed as answers to security issues in the European […].

So within the context of surveillance- oriented security solutions hereafter referred to as SOSSsthis deliverable focuses mainly on selected technological solutions which are proposed as answers to security issues in the European Union EU. Since these SOSTs are often seen as having negative impact on privacy and other civil rights issues of European citizens, it is crucial to closely assess and evaluate such technologies to support responsible governmental institutions on a national as well as on a European level.

To provide a well-researched basis for such an assessment, we have selected a number of SOSTs to describe their functionality and effectiveness from a technological point of view. Since a description of the full range of all existent SOSTs is not possible within the scope of the SurPRISE project, we tried to select technologies which we found have a great impact on the lives of European citizens nowadays and will continue to have a great impact in the foreseeable future.

These selected technologies are categorized into different sections for a clearer structure. Since the use of many security-related technologies provides inherent privacy and other civil rights issues for citizens, we have striven to include technologies which have not yet been viewed in-depth from a privacy angle. Owing to this fact, we explored for each technology the possibility of implementing the Privacy by Design concept to maintain lawfulness and ethical deployment.

While reviewing the current state of the art of the aforementioned technologies, we found that some surveillance-oriented security technologies appear unacceptable due to their intrusive and even repressive nature, making an earnest assessment of the desired security enhancement necessary, taking into account the principles and ideals of a democratic Europe.

Drawbacks for the merely technical effectiveness have been especially found in lack of adaptive systems as well as necessary prerequisites for camera positioning, lighting and other conditions to produce adequate image qualities. Beyond the question of faultlessness of the technology, Smart CCTV has repeatedly been doubted as being an adequate measure to reduce crime in public spaces. The SOSTs presented in this document are the outcome of […]. SurPRISE aims at empirically investigating criteria and factors likely to affect public acceptance and acceptability of Surveillance Oriented Security Technologies SOSTs.

A central premise that drives SurPRISE is the idea that framing the relationship between privacy and security in terms of a trade-off is not only one among several potential interpretative frames, but also that, […].

At the same time, the D3. The ASSERT Masterclass, a […]. It gives a brief overview on the dissemination activities and describes future steps to be taken in cooperation with other work packages 1 to 3.

This short report presents a summary of the finalised ASSERT online toolkit for societal impact assessment in security research, including its contents and structure as well as the key design decisions underpinning the toolkit. The toolkit itself, accessible at http: The focus of WP3 is to operationalise the assessment of societal impacts of security research through a structured approach, drawing upon the outcomes of WP1.

The toolkit itself is an interactive, visual representation of the […]. This Report presents the results of work package 1 in the ASSERT project. These principles are designed to guide those planning and carrying SIA in the security domain and beyond 2.

The development of these principles has been informed also […]. The objective of this report is twofold. First, it summarises the findings of the research for ASSERT Deliverable 1. This includes the identification of good practice criteria that can be used to design SIA processes as well as to assess SIA plans 2. This, in turn, forms the […]. This Deliverable provides an overview of methodologies relevant to the assessment of societal impacts of security research. It describes the main strands and historical developments of Social Impact Assessment SIAConstructive Technology Assessment CTAand Privacy and Surveillance Impact Assessments respectively, discusses the main methodological elements, and provides a critical reflection on these methodologies.

Organisational change in the context of law enforcement institutions is a complex process and in many respects different from governing change management processes in private enterprises. DESSI Decision Support System for Security Investment Decisions provides a process and a decision support system to end users of security investments.

The system gives insight into the pros and cons of specific security investments. It contributes to a transparent and participatory decision making that accounts for context and multi-dimensionality of society.

With the growth of electronic data-processing systems and the collection of personal data by different private and public actors privacy has become an issue in many different fields. PIA is a methodology to assess the privacy impact of systems and practices where person-related data are collected and processed.

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The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and liability. Through this website, you are able to access other websites e. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. It is not concerned with commercial transactions or with the exchange of data for marketing purposes.

We use traffic data for statistics analysis of site access and to administer the site. If we decide we need to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on our homepage so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under circumstances, if any, we disclose it. Subscribe Newsletter Legal Notice. Globalisierungsforum Es referieren und diskutieren Othmar Karas EU-PolitikerWolfgang Wosolsobe bis Few ideas have the political power as societal security, gathering together the parallel challenges of technological foresight, policy development and societal concerns into a single, interdependent ecosystem: Umut TurksenKingston University, London Bringing societal security into your media message Chairperson: Kristoffer LidenPeace Research Institute Oslo PRIO POLICY MEETING Biometrics and Borders Chairperson: Methods Qualitative and quantitative data from a recent German project on conventional offline small-scale drug dealing as well as qualitative case studies on four online vendors operating on Agora market are used to explore alternative practices for building trust and reputation.

Results For conventional commercial illicit drug dealing on various kinds of markets, trust between buyer and seller is a crucial issue, often emphasized by restricting deals to well-known persons.

Conclusion On virtual drug markets practices of building trust, conflict resolution and logistics is constantly evolving.

Am Mikrokosmos der [ Zaun als Crowd Management: Doch nach Ansicht des Kriminalsoziologen Reinhard [ Dabei geht es um mehrere Millionen Menschen zur selben Zeit bei baulich alles andere als perfekten Voraussetzungen, wie erst heuer wieder schmerzlich bei einer Massenpanik mit mehr als 2.

Stattdessen gehe man nach dem Motto vor: Es gehe nicht um die Sache, meinte Kreissl. Ich kaufe ein Buch, google im Internet, frage jemanden, wie geht das.

Und dieser Prozess findet hier nicht statt. Take a few minutes to take part in our […]. Hellsichtig verwies er darauf, wie die historischen [ ESSRO aspires to combine inquiry and advocacy, and become the first [ Our Vision and Mission The goal of ESSRO is to promote a comprehensive and integrative understanding of security, including social, cultural, technological, legal, political and economic dimensions.

Scope of Activities ESSRO is designed as the central European hub of competence dedicated to setting standards for good practices in the field of security research, collecting and integrating ideas and approaches from across Europe and beyond. The main objective of this newsletter is to discuss new trends and developments in security policy, technology and research from SSH perspectives, bringing together experts from academia and security practice.

Status and Membership ESSRO is a charitable entity registered under Belgian law. In fact, most of them vote and fully support democracy, even if they think things could be improved and politics should become more about the common good […].

Societal Security as a European project. Paper by Reinhard Kreissl The impact of European projects can be assessed when looking at the process of implementation of policies designed to produce a politically defined output. Cascading effects in crises: By identifying and categorising triggers of cascading effects, a greater understanding of critical points in crisis situations can be reached, which can contribute to strengthening practices of crisis management, [ The ISSDP Conference is a unique [ The FORTRESS consortium are pleased to announce that two new reports are publicly available on its website following the submission of draft copies to the EC: The report follows on from Deliverable 3.

Schutz vor Terror — Menschenrecht inklusive. Armutskonferenz Auf der It discusses common causes of cascading effects with the aim of providing insight to and […]. It examines surveillance in Europe from several different perspectives, including: Cascading effects in crisis […]. The newly-begun EU-funded project known as CARONTE […]. The project has a total EU research budget of EUR 1. SOURCE report on Methodology workshop. CORDIS places spotlight on FORTRESS Project. Being able to anticipate such cascade effects — and put in place effective emergency measures — […].

The release was covered widely in the European media: Over 40 percent of European organisations stop citizens accessing their data Computing: Four in ten organisations obstruct access to personal data ITProPortal: Four out of every 10 citizen data requests in Europe breaks the law Marqit: Bedrijven moeten procedures voor dataverzoeken verduidelijken Research-live.

Organisations obstructing access to personal data RT. International study finds four in ten organisations obstruct our access to own data heise online: EU-Studie zeigt Probleme in der Praxis Business-cloud.

Data access obstructed CIO. Over 40 percent of European organisations stop citizens accessing their data Legalbrief Today: International Study Finds That Four in Ten Organisations Obstruct Our Access to Our Own Data The New Zealand Herald: Public denied data access Wired. European responses to the Snowden revelations. IRISS project discusses European responses to the Snowden revelations A European research consortium has prepared a discussion paper on European responses to the revelations that have been emerging from the documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the contractor to the US National Security Agency NSA.

The discussion paper reviews the institutional responses to the Snowden revelations, […]. Horizon spotlights the IRISS project. The EU-funded IRISS project is intent […]. Report on Surveillance Impact published. For further information, including a copy of the [ It finds serial malpractice and obfuscation on […].

ASSERT launches toolkit for Societal Impact Assessment. It should and can be demonstrated that societal […]. Case study on Societal Impact Assessment. Article Der Standard Video Puls 4 Live zu Gast im Studio Kriminalsoziologe Reinhard Kreissl: Polizeiermittler ertrinken in Daten.

Zu Gast im Studio bei Ali Cem Deniz: Alexander Czadilek und Reinhard Kreissl. Article Der Standard, Video Puls 4, Video Servus TV, Doch stimmen diese Meldungen? Video Puls 4 News, Deutschland stellt Anti-Terror Plan vor. Reinhard Kreissl zu Gast im Studio. Video ORF Heute Mittag, Video Cafe Puls 4, Video ZIB 24, Article Die Presse, Wie schnell wird man Gewehrbesitzer?

Article Wiener Zeitung, Vergewaltigung — Instrumentalisierung von Betroffenheit. Video Plus 4, Bei "Pro und Contra" diskutieren Konrad Kogler, Peter Pilz, Maria Stern und Reinhard Kreissl.

Video Russia Today, Austria passes law to shut off border if refugee influx is too great. The measure could be introduced if the number of migrants looking to enter Austria threatens national security. Audio Bayern 2, Immer mehr Bayern bewaffnen sich. Seit ist die Zahl der "kleinen Waffenscheine" deutlich angestiegen. Die Menschen in Deutschland sind dabei, das Urvertrauen in die Sicherheit ihres Seins zu verlieren. Austrian Chancellor resigns amid party split fueled by huge far-right gains.

Austria adopts tough refugee laws. Video ORF Thema, Oder wie weit ist man hier davon entfernt? Helfer, aber keine Hilfssheriffs. Ist die Angst gerechtfertigt? Video Heute Mittag, Zur Kriminalstatistik und Asylwerbern. Video ORF Report, Video Hohes Haus, Woher kommt diese Angst? Article Kleine Zeitung, Video ORF Wien Heute, Algorithmen sind im Alltag hilfreich, doch der bessere Kommissar bleibt der Mensch.

Woher kommt dieser Hass? Und welche Rolle spielt die Angst dabei? Video RT Deutsch, Dies geschieht ohne spezifische Einwilligung der Nutzer. Reinhard Kreissl, Kriminalsoziologe und Publizist. Video Wien Heute, Gefahr von Sexualattacken in Wien.

Article Wien ORF, Article Die Zeit, Den Weg ebnet die noch junge Disziplin der Sicherheitsforschung. Video Cando Berlin, Er sagt, dass die Geheimdienste nun Morgenluft wittern und die Kritik an ihnen in Zukunft schwerer sein wird.

Video 3sat Kulturzeit, Die Fehler, die man damals gemacht habe, wiederholten sich nun, so sagt er. Er sagt, dass die Geheimdienste nun Morgenluft wittern. Video ZIB Magazin, Kriminalsoziologe Kreissl zum Staatsschutzgesetz. Der Kriminalsoziologe Reinhard Kreissl wirft der Politik kurzfristiges Denken vor. Reinhard Kreissl im Interview. Audio Journal Panorama, Terror in Paris — und jetzt? Wie lautet Frankreichs und Europas Antwort? Muss sich Europa auf Jahre des Terrors einstellen?

Video ORF 2, Die Polizei hat viele Daten. Der Aufstieg digitaler Steuerungssysteme. Werden wir bald von vollautomatischen digitalen Steuerungssystemen regiert? Verbrechensvorhersage mit Big Data. Also muss nur noch ein Streifenwagen dorthin fahren, um ihn zu verhindern.

Etwa so lesen sich die Versprechungen von Predictive Policing. Sie haben keine wissenschaftlichen Daten. Audio Russia Today, Europe's refugee crisis has been dubbed the worst since WWII with a record number ofasylum seekers crossing the EU's borders in July.

Tens of thousands of people are fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa to start a new life in Europe, but many meet a tragic end there. Reinhard Kreissl, CEO of Vienna Center for Societal Security, joins RT. Angst vor dem Fremden oder der anderen Sprache.

Neuerdings ist auch noch die Angst vor dem Terror dazu gekommen. Video Wien heute, Article Der Falter, Welche Straftaten passieren in Wien?

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In dieser Frage sind Journalisten auf die Pressestelle der Wiener Polizei angewiesen. Wird hier die Wirklichkeit bewusst verzerrt? Audio Puls 4, Reinhard Kreissl im Cafe Puls zu dem Bombenanschlag in Bangkok. Polizisten, die dabei gefilmt werden, wie sie einen gefesselten Gefangenen misshandeln. Gestern wurde erneut ein Fall von Polizeigewalt bekannt. Der Kriminalsoziologe Reinhard Kreissl sieht Verbesserungsbedarf bei der Fehlerkultur. Zur Zunahme angezeigter Straftaten mit Waffenverwendung.

Im Vorjahr gab es bereits 5. Video Cafe Puls, Jugendliche zwischen Radikalisierung und Traumatisierung. Reinhard Kreissl im STANDARD-Interview. Videos von Polizeigewalt sind eine Chance. Oder doch lieber akademische Hauselfen? Kritik am neuen Staatsschutzgesetz. Video ORF ZIB 2, Zu den Neuerungen und der organisatorischen Einbindung des Verfassungsschutzes spricht Reinhard Kreissl im Interview. Zu den Reaktionen und Folgen des Anschlags auf Einheimische und Touristen in Tunis spricht Reinhard Kreissl im Cafe Puls.

Dazu Reinhard Kreissl im Interview mit dem Standard. Glatze, Bomberjacke, Springerstiefel, sowie unverhohlener Antisemitismus: So ist die extreme Rechte lange Zeit aufgetreten. Doch Akteure und Ideologien rechtsextremer Bewegungen sind im Wandel begriffen. Was ist los bei Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft?

Reinhard Kreissl im Interview mit Rainer Springenschmid FM4. Unter dem sogenannten "Islamischen Staat" werden eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen, zum Teil konkurrierenden Gruppen zusammengefasst, was die staatlichen und internationalen Bestrebungen einen Verhandlungspartner zu finden nicht erleichtert.

Zu seiner Situation ist derzeit noch kaum etwas bekannt. Doch in welchen Lebensbereichen sind die Menschen willens, diese Tatsache anzuerkennen? Sie wird auch manipulierbar. Reinhard Kreissl im Cafe Puls Interview. Anlaufstelle "Drehscheibe Volksgarten", Kommunikationsplattform, Kulturprogramm, Ruhezonen. Video Puls 4, ATV, Der WKR-Ball zeigt einmal mehr: Kampf gegen Drogenhandel im Internet. Kein hoffnungsvoller, aber jedenfalls ein boomender Wirtschaftszweig: Europa im Visier des Terrors: Dazu zu Gast im Studio: Experte und Polizei raten ab.

Aus "Neighbourhood Watcher" gegen Einbrecher wird eine EU-weite Organisation. Die EU will diese Entwicklung erforschen. Das Versagen der Politik. Im Fall Josef S. Er zeigt auch das Grunddilemma einer politischen Kultur an, in der niemand mehr eine klare Position einnimmt. Nur ein Drittel der Anfragen wurde demnach korrekt beantwortet. FORTRESS is developing Foresight Tools for Responding to cascading effects in a crisis. The main challenge in pan-European disaster management is dealing with inter-organisational and cross-border cascading effects.

In order to meet this challenge, the European Commission has funded the FORTRESS project FOResight Tools for REsponding to caScading effects with a grant of over 3 Million euros under the 7th Framework Programme.

FORTRESS is a three-year project that begun in April Zerschlagene Fensterscheiben sind die Kosten einer modernen Gesellschaft. Wo endet ziviler Ungehorsam, wo beginnt Gewalt, und welche Rolle spielt dabei die Polizei?

Hotline gegen Radikalisierung geplant. Das Innenministerium plant, eine "Deradikalisierungs-Hotline" einzurichten. In einer Befragung von Article Die Welt, Article Mein Bezirk, Wie un sicher ist Wels? Ein Kriminalsoziologe gibt Entwarnung.

Video EU Parliament, Electronic Mass Surveillance of EU-Citizens. Reinhard Kreissl speaks at the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament on "Electronic Mass Surveillance of EU-Citizens". Locating security problems and proposed solutions emerging at local, national and European levels in wider social and historical contexts VICESSE operates at the interface between science, technology, law and policy.

Conceiving of security as a societal concept VICESSE strives to integrate and combine different analytical perspectives into a complex framework providing the basis for rigorous empirical and theoretical academic studies and pragmatic policy solutions alike.

The VICESSE mission statement is to bring security back into society. This entails a dual task: BiographyBA, Sociology, University of Vienna ; special emphasis on Sociology of Human Rights; minor in Law.

FORMS Forensic Marks Search. INSPEC 2 T Inspiring Citizens Participation for Enhanced Community Policing Actions. In order to achieve and boost the aforementioned characteristics, INSPEC 2 T focusses on the key components that Community Policing is comprised of: VIDRO Virtual Drug Trafficking — A New Challenge in Combating Organized Crime.

BITCRIME Addressing and Preventing and Organized Financial Crime with Virtual Currencies. CRISP Evaluation and Certification Schemes for Security Products. SURPRISE Surveillance, Privacy and Security. SOURCE Virtual centre of excellence for research support and coordination on societal security. The SOURCE Network of Excellence is built upon five types of activities: FORTRESS Foresight Tools for Responding to cascading effects in a crisis.

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