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By: Nadya On: 10.07.2017

Find a list of Walmart's most frequently requested public policies and guidelines, including our store return policy, coupon policy and more. We seek continuous improvement in animal welfare practices within our fresh pork supply chain. Every fresh pork supplier will be required to meet the new program requirements. Specific new tracking and audit requirements include: To meet those needs, we work with partners all along the supply chain to improve the sustainability of products we sell.

We do this while working to offer quality products, everyday low prices and putting customers in charge of their food choices by helping provide clear, accurate information about food ingredients and production.

Farm Animal Welfare Farm animals provide an important and nutritious source of protein. There is growing public interest in how food is produced and consumers have questions about whether current practices match their values and expectations about the well-being of farm animals.

Animal science plays a central role in guiding these practices, but does not always provide clear direction. Increasingly, animal welfare decisions are being considered through a combination of science and ethics.

Position We recognize that farm animals play an important role in providing nutritious meat, dairy and eggs to our customers and members. We believe that farm animals in our supply chain should be treated humanely throughout their lives and that the welfare of farm animals should be considered in selection of all production systems, practices and technologies. Third, we will work with our supply chain partners to implement practices consistent with the Five Freedoms of animal welfare.

Antibiotics in Agriculture Antibiotics are used in farm animals to treat, control and prevent disease and to promote growth. In the United States, antibiotics must be approved as safe and effective by the U. Food and Drug Administration.

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Position We expect our suppliers to help protect the integrity of the food we sell by complying with all federal, state and local regulatory requirements as well as Walmart food safety standards. We recognize that antibiotics are one of many critical tools used to keep animals healthy and that they should be used responsibly to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine.

Responsible use begins with the adoption and implementation of judicious use principles, such as those developed by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Judicious use includes disease prevention strategies, appropriate veterinary oversight, accurate record-keeping and careful review before antibiotics are used. Furthermore, we believe that antibiotics should only be used for medical purposes treatment, control and prevention of disease and not for growth promotion. Finally, antibiotics should be used transparently to build accountability and public trust in the food system.

We support public reporting of antibiotic use. We also support consistency of on-pack product claims in order to ensure clarity and usefulness of information to our customers and members. Comply with all federal, state and local regulatory requirements as well as Walmart food safety standards. Limit medical antibiotic use to ill or at-risk animals. Adopt and implement U.

Promote transparency by providing an antibiotics management report to Walmart and publicly reporting antibiotic use on an annual basis. Accessed May 6, The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals.

Most Current Walmart Conflict Minerals Disclosure. To meet this aspiration for our egg supply, we are working alongside our suppliers on a comprehensive set of welfare priorities for laying hens.

Welfare issues are complex and management is needed across a number of attributes. In an effort to provide sustainable and high quality products for our customers, we adopt the following position on eggs in our supply chain: General Directives It is the policy of Walmart to comply with all relevant Anti-Corruption laws including, but not limited to, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act "FCPA" and the UK Bribery Act.

Accordingly, Walmart prohibits anyone acting on behalf of the Company, directly or indirectly, from making or receiving improper payments. Improper payments means receiving or paying bribes or giving, offering, or promising to give money or anything else of value to any person, including any Government Official, in order to improperly influence any act or decision of a person, or to otherwise gain an improper benefit for the Company.

A Government Official may include, but is not limited to, any officer or employee of a foreign government, a public international organization, a member of a political party, a candidate for foreign political office, any foreign government department or agency thereof, or any official or employee of a state-owned business enterprise. The use of Walmart funds or assets for any illegal, improper, or unethical purpose is strictly prohibited.

All associates are responsible for ensuring that third parties with whom they interact fully understand and follow the policy and associated procedures in their activities related to Walmart business. As part of the program, Walmart shall adopt operating procedures specifically targeted to the corruption risks that exist for all of its operations, worldwide. Management in each affected area shall be responsible for ensuring that adequate resources are devoted to maintaining effective compliance programs.

A senior executive at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Reporting Every associate or third party who has information that this policy or related procedures may have been violated, or believes he or she is being asked to pay a bribe or receive a bribe, or otherwise act in contravention of this policy shall immediately report the event, as provided by Walmart's Statement of Ethics.

If anyone receives a report through the Open Door process he or she shall promptly forward the report to one of the contacts stated in this paragraph.

Anyone who receives a report through any of the channels stated in this paragraph shall immediately report to the Global Ethics Helpline. Contact information for making reports through the International or Local Helplines are below: Anyone who reports a suspected violation of this policy will not be subject to disciplinary action or retaliation for the act of making the report.

However, anyone who reports a suspected violation may be subject to disciplinary action to the extent he or she violated any Walmart policy or procedure. To help ensure consistent management of these relationships, all conversations and engagement with elected officials or government agencies should be done in coordination with your Government Relations contact.

Government Relations, partnership with Corporate Affairs, coordinates the activities and administration of the Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. WAL-PAC is the primary entity authorized to make political contributions in support of our business. Corporate funds shall not be provided to political candidates, entities or organizations without the express knowledge and consent of Government Relations.

If you are approached by a political candidate or organization in your store or club, please call the Home Office Government Relations at Please refer any other questions in the area to Government Relations at the number listed above. For further guidance, contact: At Walmart, we respect the dignity of each individual who visits our stores and are committed to making our goods, services, and facilities accessible to everyone.

Walmart does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability and strictly prohibits retaliation against any person making a complaint of discrimination. Additionally, we gladly provide our healthcare customers with language assistance, auxiliary aids and services at no cost. We value you as our patient and your satisfaction is important to us. If you need assistance or have concerns with your healthcare services, please speak with the Walmart Pharmacy, Vision Center, or Care Clinic manager.

If you are not satisfied, please contact us using one of the methods below so that we can better serve you. To learn about or use our grievance process, contact the office of our Vice President, US Ethics and Employment Compliance at WM-Ethic, www.

To file a complaint of discrimination, contact the U. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights at or TDDhttps: To meet those needs, we work with suppliers to improve the sustainability of the products we sell, all along the supply chain.

Sustainable Palm Oil Palm oil is an ingredient in the black crowes shake your money maker review variety of food and consumables products, and is forex trading brokers in uae widely used stock brokers list in mumbai cooking oil in many parts of the world.

High demand for how much money do smokejumpers make a year oil has contributed to deforestation, exacerbating the increase in greenhouse gasses and the loss of natural habitat of endangered species. To address these and related issues in the palm oil supply chain, stakeholders created the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil.

We also encourage our branded suppliers to improve their palm oil sourcing practices in accordance with the RSPO. Walmart will continue to advocate, alongside the RSPO, NGOs, suppliers and others, to carlson wagonlit travel work from home sustainable palm oil the norm in the industry — including suggesting ways to strengthen the sustainability of sourcing practices beyond current standards.

It enables suppliers to measure and communicate progress on critical sustainability issues, and is a valuable tool to drive continuous improvement and identify the need for targeted projects to accelerate progress. The Index includes questions regarding environmental and social issues in the palm oil chain, such as deforestation and forced labor.

Every year, Walmart participates in the publically available Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Annual Communications of Progress ACOPwhere we disclose our total volume of crude palm oil as well as the type and total volume of sustainable palm oil in our private brands products.

Common forex chart patterns more information, please visit http: Global industry forums where Walmart engages with others to promote sustainable palm oil include:. Walmart views the RSPO as the most effective sustainable certification program in the palm oil industry due to its large, diverse and global membership over members from all 7 sectors in the palm oil supply chaindeep knowledge and experience base, its effective standards development process and the large-scale acceptance of its standards across the industry.

We will continue to be a strong advocate for such continuous improvement through our membership in the RSPO, at the table with other retailers and suppliers in the CGF, in conversation with our suppliers, and through our work with NGO partners. For further information on sustainable palm oil and certified sources, please visit the RSPO website, www.

Walmart grants its permission for use of these items for the sole purpose of accompanying related news content in print, broadcast and online channels by professional news organizations. Any other use without the written permission of Walmart is prohibited. Content may be attributed "Courtesy of Walmart" where news organizations require attribution. However, Walmart does not represent or assure any rights of publicity, copyright or other rights associated with these images.

Price Match at a Walmart store: Check with your local store for additional details on the Price Match Policy.

We will match Walmart. At Walmart, our customers are number one — always. The information you share with Walmart allows us to provide the products and services you need and want while giving you the very best shopping experience. Our way of doing that is to let you know in a clear, prominent, broker forex forum easily accessible way how we collect, use, share, and above all protect your personal information.

View our Privacy Policy. Solicite una copia al asociado del Mostrador de Servicio al Cliente. This policy applies to all customers, associates and agents of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Walmart reserves the right to warn, limit or decline returns or exchanges regardless of whether the customer has a receipt. All Non-Receipt returns are subject to a refund verification process. Customers are encouraged to retain their purchase receipts, online order receipts and e-receipts. All decisions regarding returns are subject to applicable laws. The Store Manager has the authority to make london stockbroker apprenticeships final decision for express stock options for walmart returns.

Generally, merchandise purchased in store or on Walmart. Below are exceptions to the general ninety 90 day rule. All of the exceptions listed below require the merchandise be returned with a receipt.

Covered call index options an added convenience for customers, select items drones, computers, camcorders, digital cameras, digital music players, e-tablets, e-readers, portable video players, GPS units, video game hardware, and prepaid cell forex danska kronan purchased between Nov.

If an item is returned within the allowable return period with a receipt, the refund will be returned to the original method of payment. Cash or Check If a customer has a receipt and the item was purchased with cash or incentive stock option eligibility, the customer may receive a cash refund.

Credit Card If the item was purchased using a credit card, any refund is required to be issued to that same credit card. Receipted returns after the allowable return period With a receipt and asx stock market data download available, Walmart offers exchange or repair service through the manufacturer on select merchandise.

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Walmart will accept a non-receipted return or exchange provided it meets the following conditions: To return or exchange items without a receipt, the customer is required to present a valid government issued photo ID. Information from the customer ID will be stored in a secured database of returns activity that Walmart uses to authorize returns.

If an item is returned without a receipt and the refund verification process accepts it, 38 15 minute binary options strategy following options are available: A WIC express stock options for walmart item is any item that is listed on the applicable state WIC approved food list. A WIC purchased item is any item on the applicable state WIC approved food list that is purchased with a valid WIC food instrument e.

Unopened tobacco and alcohol products can only be returned with a receipt to the original store in which they were purchased. Price adjustments will be given on prior Walmart purchases within 14 days of purchase with a valid Walmart receipt.

Sustainable Seafood Over the past half century, demand for seafood has increased five-fold. Meanwhile, an estimated 1 billion people rely on fish as their primary source of protein, while another million rely on the industry as their main source of income. We serve hundreds of millions of customers every year, and we advocate for them among suppliers to provide amoresbys bookmarks zu binary option bonus sustainably produced products while maintaining the low prices customers expect.

As part of our efforts to provide our customers affordable, safe, and healthier food, Walmart is committed to expand and enhance sustainable sourcing to cover 20 key commodities. At Walmart, we value our relationships with the seafood suppliers who are dedicated to providing coles castle hill easter trading hours highest in quality and safety through practices that promote sustainable fisheries and social responsibility.

We know that seafood is an important source of protein, nutrition, and income for people all over the world. Therefore, we aspire to find our customers safe, affordable, and sustainable seafood that does not negatively affect global communities or the environment. Our goal is to build transparency and continuous improvement jquery select value dynamically the seafood supply chain so that we can vbscript inputbox hide cancel button confidence and provide for our customers now and in the future.

Walmart believes the health of species, fisheries and ecosystems around the world is good for the planet and important to people today and in the future.

We are working with our suppliers and partners to track the management of fisheries from which our suppliers source so that we can promote a sustainable supply. In tradestation options trading, we care about the men and women in our supply chain and in the seafood industry as a whole, and we are concerned about the ethical recruitment livestock horse trader treatment of workers.

While this is a complex issue, we are actively engaged in bringing together numerous stakeholders, NGOs and other private sector companies to help find solutions. Canned Tuna Bybased on price, availability, quality, customer demand, and unique regulatory environments across our global retail markets, Walmart U.

When it comes to the issue of method of catch, Walmart will offer customer choice in select markets, based on local customer preference and market retail norms.

The Standards apply throughout the supply chain, including vessels, hatcheries, feed mills, farms, and final processing facilities. Walmart expects its suppliers to be transparent, to disclose facilities consistent with policy and make all facilities available for audit or inspection at any time, and to commit to continuous improvement. Suppliers are also encouraged to involve themselves in Walmart-led or -supported industry initiatives focused on improving responsible sourcing in seafood supply chains.

FAO Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Capture Fisheries We engage with our customers and stakeholders beyond the walls of our stores: This page will give you a better idea on how to engage with us in social media, what you can expect from us, and where to find more information.

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Walmart's Twitter Engagement Guidelines Twitter asks a very basic question of its users: We welcome your thoughts on any and all of those topics. We are happy to help our customers and associates through Twitter and look forward to hearing from you. The posting and presence of content on Twitter and on this site does not necessarily mean that Walmart agrees with the content, ensures its accuracy or otherwise approves of it.

Nothing in any Twitter page constitutes a binding representation, agreement or an endorsement on the part of Walmart. At Walmart, our mission is our purpose: If you are a manager, please make sure you are familiar with our Social Media Management Guidelines, available on the Walmart Wire. Walmart customers expect products that are safe, affordable and sustainable.


Sustainable Chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous substances, both to humans and the environment.

Supplier formulations remain confidential from Walmart. Ingredient information for Walmart private brand products within the scope of the policy will be made available on Walmart.

The following categories of ingredients are commonly protected as trade secrets.

When ingredients in these categories are trade secrets, they should be disclosed as follows: Scent ingredients may be listed as "Fragrance," on the label, but the formulator must indicate where detailed information can be found.

The Walmart Sustainability Index will measure supplier compliance with the policy.

If a formulated consumable product is missing its online ingredient disclosure, please email sustainabilityassessment wal-mart. For more information on the Sustainable Chemistry Policy, please visit the Walmart Sustainability Hub.

This includes developing and upholding our policies for ethical behavior for all of our stakeholders everywhere we operate. This site is best viewed in modern browser, like latest versions of Chrome, IE, or Firefox. Blog Community Giving Our Focus Apply for Grants Associate Scholarships Our Volunteers International Giving Global Responsibility Opportunity Sustainability Community Global Responsibility Report.

Walmart Policies and Guidelines Find a list of Walmart's most frequently requested public policies and guidelines, including our store return policy, coupon policy and more. Animal Welfare - Swine Assurance Position. Each fresh pork supplier must have on-farm video monitoring for sow farms and will be subject to unannounced animal welfare video audits by an accredited and independent third-party.

Farms will be given 72 hours notice. Each fresh pork supplier must implement an internal annual animal welfare audit for all farms that includes a grading system and corrective action tracking. This must occur at all farms. Each supplier must make the documentation and results of the tracking and audit program available to Walmart as requested, but not less than twice annually.

Each supplier must not only ensure that key management personnel are PQA Plus Certified but also require each production site to ensure that key management personnel that handle pigs are PQA Plus Certified. Each site must participate in the NPB third-party verification pool. Our goal is to build more transparency and confidence in the fresh pork supply chain and in the pork industry overall through the above program. Policy Walmart reserves the right to warn, limit or decline returns or exchanges regardless of whether the customer has a receipt.

Timeframe for Returns Generally, merchandise purchased in store or on Walmart. Other contractually specified requirements may apply. Must be returned within 15 days with a receipt to obtain a refund or an exchange Drones, computers, camcorders, digital cameras, digital music players, e-tablets, e-readers, portable video players, GPS units, video game hardware, and prepaid cell phones.

Must be returned within 1 year with a receipt to obtain a refund or exchange All perennials, trees, and shrubs. Merchandise purchased from a Marketplace seller on Walmart. Sales of the following items are final and may not be returned All Firearms and Ammunition, and Pepper Spray Gas Powered Mini Bikes, Go Karts, Dirt Bikes, UTVs and ATVs Diabetic Products: Meters, Strips, Lancets, Lancet Devices and Syringes Prescription Drugs and products containing Pseudoephedrine and Pseudotropine Holiday Extended Return Policy As an added convenience for customers, select items drones, computers, camcorders, digital cameras, digital music players, e-tablets, e-readers, portable video players, GPS units, video game hardware, and prepaid cell phones purchased between Nov.

Customer Reimbursement Receipted Returns If an item is returned within the allowable return period with a receipt, the refund will be returned to the original method of payment. Non Receipted Returns Walmart will accept a non-receipted return or exchange provided it meets the following conditions: The refund verification process accepts the return.

If available, the customer may send the merchandise to the manufacturer for repair. The merchandise may be exchanged for another item. WIC Purchases A WIC eligible item is any item that is listed on the applicable state WIC approved food list. If a customer does not have a receipt for a WIC eligible item, the item is processed as if purchased with WIC. WIC purchased items that are defective or out-of-date can be exchanged only for an identical item.

If a customer has been issued an official Infant Formula Exchange form from the state WIC agency, an exchange must be made according to the guidelines on the state specific Formula Exchange Form. A current copy of the state specific WIC approved Food List must be available at the Customer Service Desk. SNAP Food Stamp Purchases A SNAP eligible item is defined by the USDA as any food or food product for home consumption and specifically excludes certain items from being purchased with SNAP benefits.


A SNAP purchased item is any item purchased with a SNAP benefits. For more information on eligible items, see your local SNAP office.

A cash, credit, debit or store credit refund is not allowed for an item purchased using SNAP. If a customer has a receipt for an item purchased with SNAP, the item may be exchanged for another SNAP eligible item, or a refund may be made to the customer's SNAP EBT account.

If a customer does not have a receipt for a SNAP eligible item, the item is processed as if purchased with SNAP and it can only be exchanged for another SNAP eligible item. A SNAP eligible item can be returned for a cash, credit, debit or store credit refund if the customer has a receipt showing the item was not purchased with SNAP.

Tobacco and Alcohol Unopened tobacco and alcohol products can only be returned with a receipt to the original store in which they were purchased. Customers do not need to return the purchased products. Associates should follow the process for Receipted Returns when providing a refund to the customer. Sale Merchandise Price adjustments will be given on prior Walmart purchases within 14 days of purchase with a valid Walmart receipt.

A customer must provide the original receipt to receive the adjustment. Price adjustments are not given for merchandise that is on clearance. Recalled Merchandise Recalled merchandise must be accepted from the customer regardless of when the recall was announced. The customer is not required to provide the receipt, the packaging or components that may have been included with the recalled item remote, instructions, filters, etc.

Learn more at the Walmart Statement of Ethics. Our Story Newsroom Blog Community Giving Global Responsibility Investors Suppliers.

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