Obama bounce stock market crash

By: sergl On: 14.06.2017

Host Stuart Varney set up Huckabee with this question: Huckabee took the bait — with a few gratuitous swipes at ObamaCare and the nuclear Iran deal while he was at it.

Well, you have to Stuart because what's happened overall in the marketplace is that it's very fragile because businesses are afraid to grow.

obama bounce stock market crash

ObamaCare has busted them, regulations are killing them, the world market is not stable. We now seem to be more interested in stabilizing Iran than we are America.

Americans have lost jobs, 5 million foreclosures, 5 million manufacturing jobs lost since the yearand this president seems to think that if we just put some more regulations, raise taxes, and make it harder for businesses to succeed, that maybe the economy will get better.

obama bounce stock market crash

Well, Stuart, the economy is not in recovery for many Americans who are out there obama bounce stock market crash every day. Obama bounce stock market crash of all, George W. History of stock brokerage firms in new york was president most of the time since Home About Naughty Corner Forum Archives Blogroll Donate Shop Contact.

obama bounce stock market crash

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