Box considers after-hours options trading

By: allgrand On: 05.07.2017

Welcome to the Ars OpenForum. Posting Guidelines Contact Moderators. What does after hours trading do to options prices the next day? Sat Jul 19, I put in a limit order to buy the The price listed was. So I put my order in for 5 contracts buy to openand since the market was closed, it went into my pending order page, to be submitted at the start f the next days trading.

box considers after-hours options trading

Standard enough I check back at 9: Basically, it did what I thought it would do, but in after hours trading. Looking at the options chart, the options price was unchanged at.

My limit order is still sitting in my "pending orders" page Now, come Monday, C will open at or near it;s new lower price based on Friday;s after hours trading. When the stock was at Will the option prices simply open at different prices they closed on Friday, and my limit order is basically useles?

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Or will they open at the same price they closed, then jump up, but maybe someone has a sell to open limit order they didn't cancel yeah, I know and I might get the options at the listed price on Friday? I guess this will teach me my lesson of getting my orders in before the market closes for the day. Help - Trading Options

They will open at the same price it closed, the market insiders eg. Sat Jul 19, 6: Originally posted by jfp Sun Jul 20, 8: It looks like it;s a moot robinhood stock options, since apaently there was a later after hour ralley and C recouped the loss.

What does after hours trading do to options prices the next day? - Ars Technica OpenForum

But assuming it didn't, I'm curious what would happen to my lmit order. My guess is ay outstanding limit order would be cancelled and the options would open at a higher price so my order wouldn;t get executed.

Sun Jul 20, It depends on what the news is and how big of a move.

After Hours with Option Addict | After Hours with the Option Addict

If it's a major move, the exchanges may apply quote relief at the open or during the opening rotation, which allows the MMs and e-MMs box considers after-hours options trading widen out their coles trading hours anzac day 2016 melbourne. It's usually not a good idea to keep GTC option orders out on a class that has an event coming up.

Mon Jul 21, 7: Originally posted by Emkorial: Just for a followup, I saw the news about AIG's numbers, and comments on how it would most likely trade finacials up, so Purchase liquidation stock cancelled my order with like a minute to spare, and ended up getting the options for.

They jumped around that price all day, closing at. Of course that spinless jellyfish Carl Ichan puss'ed out to Yahoo's board, so I'm down on those options. They better report some kick ass earnings next week. Yang is a dick, nothing but a greedy ass who care's nothing about his shareholders and only about his ego.

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Sorry, had to vent there Emkorial Ars Legatus Legionis Registered: May 11, Posts: Oct 13, Posts: KalTorak Ars Tribunus Militum Registered: May 27, Posts: Who's going to SELL those There might be a few good-till-cancelled orders sitting around, but anyone who's selling a significant number of those puts is gonna reprice them or not sell them at all.

Mar 23, Posts: That is patently false. The opening price for a security is set by an auction in which buyers and sellers submit limit orders prior to the market open. The opening price will be a price at which the greatest volume will be executed according to those submitted orders.

box considers after-hours options trading

The exact algorithm for determining that price varies from exchange to exchange, but they all follow that same general pattern. Kakodaimonos Wise, Aged Ars Veteran Registered: Jan 28, Posts: Oblisk Ars Tribunus Militum Registered: Sep 1, Posts: Which sucks Im not sure for equity option electronic markets.

This is basically how it works for ED options. Once the pit closes at 3pm Eastern, options trade only electronically.

At 5pm the electronic markets close for 1 hour and then reopen. If while closed you bid. More than likely there is some smart computer which puts up c wide markets for small size on the screens during off hours, and they make those prices reflecting where a stock is currently trading not where it closed. Which means at 6:

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