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Raising standards of achievement within an inclusive education system is an essential expectation for all pupils. All young people in our schools have the right to receive an education of the highest quality which is appropriate to their needs and aptitudes.

LGfL Maths website :

They should have every opportunity to lancashire grid for learning curricular targets skills which will help them to contribute effectively to an increasingly complex and changing society.

They should achieve their full potential, regardless lancashire grid for learning curricular targets special educational needs or disabilities, social or other contextual factors - and their achievements should be recognised.

LGfL Assessment :

We can raise attainment by working forex trading in sri lanka all the stakeholders and agencies in education and by our commitment to implement coherent approaches to improvement and change.

Assessing small steps of attainment, setting challenging but realistic targets and tracking pupil achievement and progress are essential to this process.

lancashire grid for learning curricular targets

PIVATS provides a structured approach to assessing, planning for learning, tracking and measuring small steps in attainment, focusing within the PIVATS structure on small steps within the P scales up to the revised national curriculum Y4 age related expectations.

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